Our Services
Ecological Landscaping is a method of designing, building, and maintaining landscapes that considers the ecology of the site and creates gardens that enhance the surrounding environment for the benefit of humans and all other life in the ecosystem. – Ecological Landscaping Association

Maine’s pristine lakes have attracted people to their shores to swim, fish, and boat for many generations. These scenic lakes not only provide recreation and beauty, but they also are a major economic driver for the surrounding area. As these lakes become compromised from their natural state, not only do the wildlife and the lake ecosystems suffer, but so does the entire community. Many studies have shown a direct correlation between a lake’s water quality and property value; as water quality decreases so does the value of property that surrounds it.
Irresponsible development and ignorance have led to many of the problems that are affecting our lakes today. For too many years people have treated the lakeshore landscape the same as a suburban landscape, with expansive lawns mowed all the way to the water’s edge, and very little, if any, aquatic vegetation. Lawn areas can provide many benefits, however, on lakefront properties these sprawling monocultures create problems. Lawns tend to be high maintenance areas that require fertilizer and mowing. During heavy rains, very little infiltration occurs on lawn areas, which allows fertilizers, soil particles, and other pollutants to be washed into the water. This runoff increases the phosphorus level in the lake, resulting in algae blooms that disrupt the aquatic ecosystem. Lawns at the water’s edge also increase shoreline erosion. By incorporating a diversity of plant material, all zones of the soil strata are stabilized, thus promoting long-term shoreline stabilization and cleaner lakes.
At Native Notions we promote Lakesmart Landscaping practices. We install buffer plantings, raingardens, infiltration steps and trenches, as well as many other techniques that minimize erosion and runoff. We are certified by the DEP as a Lakesmart company.
Plantings: Native, Traditional, Edible
We practice the concept of “Right Plant in the Right Place.” Every site has unique growing conditions and micro-climates. It is important to take notice of these conditions and place appropriate plants that best fit these growing conditions.
We use a mix of native, ornamental, and edible plants depending upon the site and the client’s goals. All of the plants we use are adapted to the local climate. When choosing plants, we look at color, bloom time, texture, seasonal interest, and disease resistance.